Jordan Cerminara

Digital home of comedian/collage artist Jordan Cerminara’s current work for all to enjoy!

Growing up with an art school kid for a mom, Jordan Cerminara spent his younger years around enough pencils, paints, dowel rods, Styrofoam cones, and fake flowers to arrive at the conclusion destroying photos from old magazines to make new images was creatively where it’s at for him. Now a card carrying member of the Pacific Northwest Collage Collective, Cerminara’s lifelong affinity for cutting paper has led to his works being displayed in a number of art spaces along the west coast since 2015. If you don’t want to find him in the wild where he’ll surely be hocking art out of his briefcase of wares after a live comedy show, you can take a look through his online offerings RIGHT HERE to have all for yourself. Keep an eye out for his debut coffee table book Curious Creations sold wherever weird independently published things end up (probably this website)! It’s basically like opening up a new greeting card every time you turn the page. The only problem is, it’s just an idea at this point.